All the players of B-Love Kandy, whether from overseas or local, poured their hearts into the game. Their unwavering dedication was a testament to their commitment and hard work. They didn’t just show up for matches; they put their souls into every practice session, working relentlessly to achieve victory. The energy they brought to the field and the unbreakable spirit they carried were truly remarkable.

The Leadership of Hasaranga

Hasaranga, our exceptional captain, led the way with his outstanding leadership. His vision and determination inspired the entire team to give their very best. Alongside him, Chanidmal, Angelo, and Haris, each player, left no stone unturned in their pursuit of success.

More Than a Team, a Family

It’s not just about the matches; the B-Love Kandy team created lasting memories. Their adventures, from tours to the lake to entertaining karaoke sessions on the bus, shared dinners, and countless other moments, bound them as a family. Their support for one another, their cooperation, and their contagious energy were the glue that held this remarkable group together.

Gratitude Beyond Words

We can’t express our gratitude enough for the incredible contributions of our players. We carefully selected the best team, and they delivered beyond our expectations. There’s no doubt – they are the number one team, and their achievements speak for themselves.

In closing, we are profoundly thankful to the B-Love Kandy champions for their hard work, dedication, and the precious memories they’ve created. They are not just a team; they are our pride and joy. We look forward to celebrating even greater victories with this extraordinary group in the future.