The countdown has begun, and B-Love Kandy is all set to hit the ground running on the 31st of July! Hold on tight, because we are about to bring you a cricketing extravaganza that you’ve never witnessed before in the history of LPL!

As we gear up for the grand event, the city of Kandy is going to shine like never before, draped in the vibrant colors of B-Love Kandy. Our players have been practicing their moves and sharpening their skills to give you a match you won’t forget. 

But wait, the excitement doesn’t end there! Our visionary owner, Mr. Omar Khan, has got some out-of-the-box ideas up his sleeve to make B-Love Kandy a truly unforgettable experience. Trust us when we say, you’re in for a treat like never before!

You know what else is brewing behind the scenes? Our very own theme song! Yes, you heard it right! We are cooking up something extraordinary that will have you dancing in the stands. And guess what? It’s not just going to be the big names in the industry. We believe in nurturing new talent, and that’s why we’ve given a golden opportunity to a rising star to sing our anthem. Any guesses who that might be? Keep those fingers crossed!

But that’s not all; we’ve got plenty of surprises up our sleeves! This year, we are taking things to the next level with on-ground activities that’ll get you involved, engaged, and having the time of your life! We want to get to know you, our fabulous audience, and what better way to do it than through games that bring us all together? So, tell us your favorites, and we promise to add them to the mix for some extra fun and excitement!

We are determined to make this year’s LPL innovative and filled to the brim with joy. So mark your calendars, set your reminders, and join us on this rollercoaster ride of fun, passion, and entertainment!

With our hearts pounding and spirits soaring high, we promise you an experience like no other. B-Love Kandy is here to make a mark, and we’re counting on you to be a part of it. Stay tuned, because there’s so much more, and we can’t wait to share it all with you!

Get ready, Kandy! The cricketing extravaganza of the year is about to unfold, and B-Love Kandy is going to make history. It’s time to cheer, dance, and celebrate together as one big family. We’ll see you on the 31st of July, so be there or be square! Let’s make this LPL season one for the books!